Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leona and Co. come for a Visit!!

Today Leona, Chian and Savonn visited with Azaria and I. Azaria loves children and right off the bat she was talking away with them! No joke, my little girl couldn't stop talking!!

One thing we also noted was how fixated she was on Savonn. If her daddy saw this, I don't think he'd be too happy! hehe... Seriously though, Azaria has to keep in mind that Savonn is her God-brother.

What a great pic of Leona and Chian.

Chian has long, thick, beautiful virgin hair. Virgin, meaning it has never been permed. As a special gift for her graduation from grade 5, Leona brought Chian to the hairdresser to get her hair blow-dried out and flat ironed. Her hair is so super-duper healthy! Look at the shine!!Doesn't she look like she should be on the front of Dark 'n' Lovely hair perm box? (and she doesn't even have permed hair!!!!)

Savonn was too cute sitting, leaned up on the wall. He was a bit upset when I took this pic.

According to Leona (or should I say a Jamaican old wives tale), babies cry when being held by a child because they think they are not secure in their arms.... is there some truth to that here?

Hmm... perhaps there is some truth to it... Leona took over and she's happy again! We enjoyed having Leona, Chian and Savonn over!!