Friday, August 15, 2008


Yes, folks, it's true. Azaria has officially taken her first bites into the world of solids. Well, realistically, it's not very solid food... quite watery, actually, but you know what I mean! Although she loves her breastmilk, we've been noticing her really staring at us eat... She's used to tasting things briefly, as I've been letting her sample certain fruits and vegetables.. however, you could tell she was just itching to get her gums into a spoonful of cereal! At last, a 'solid' meal that would enter the very depths of her belly and intestinal walls!!

I must say, she was very enthusiastic about the whole process. She patiently sat in her high chair while I boiled the water and took out a teaspoon of the rice cereal. I used a pink bowl with a cute purple spoon for her first bites. As you can see in the first pic, I put down the prepared cereal in front of her and she was already reaching for it with her left hand, before I could even finish snapping the picture!

Ahh, yes, her first bite! I think she was savouring the moment here. I wonder what she was thinking? Perhaps she's thinking, 'today cereal, tomorrow fruits/veggies!!'... my girl (sigh) is growing up!

Content as can be... she gives a beautiful, cereal-ridden, smile. Her bib reads, "got milk?"... but it should actually say "got cereal?"... stay tuned, folks, the best is yet to come!