Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Today Azaria looked stunning in this little Roca Wear number. I, obviously, had to whip out my camera to commemorate this moment. She definitely looks good in hats!!

I also had to share this particular picture with everyone. Azaria's favourite discovery (besides her hands) has become her toes. She absolutely loves her toes!! She can be found at any time holding onto her toes... ahh, the life of a baby!

She knows all her best angles, too!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Uncle Dwyane comes by!!

Ok... so I apologize for not keeping up with the blog... but as many of you may know, I've had a busy week or two getting ready for and going to Washington, DC. I'll be posting some pics for that shortly, but I wanted to share this picture with everyone. It's Azaria posing with her uncle Dwyane (also known as her Godfather) the day before we left for DC. I thought it was a great pic of the two. He came by to drop of various sauces for me, as well as spend some time with his Goddaughter. She absolutely loved his visit and spent the whole time happily in his arms just chillin' out.